He Leadeth Me - Book Cover Design Concept

He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Ciszek is a spiritual memoir about his 23 years in Soviet labor camps. It focuses on his journey of faith, and learning to trust God's will amid suffering and uncertainty. Through his experiences, Fr. Ciszek reflects on prayer, surrender, and recognizing God's guidance in all circumstances.

Having gone through Hallow’s Lent Pray40 Prayer Challenge, I was inspired to do some concept work for the cover of He Leadeth Me. I wanted the cover to reflect the stark reality of Fr. Ciszek’s life for the more than 20 years he was in Soviet labor camps. While uncluttered and “empty”, it was in this space of letting go and surrendering completely to the will of God that Fr. Ciszek was able to find the security and strength he needed.


Design Strategy

Book Cover Designs


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